Hopeless By Elsie Silver (PDF/ePub) – Chestnut Springs #5

A beautiful war hero with a tragic history, Beau Eaton serves as the town prince.

I come from the bad side of town, and I’m the bashful bartender that everyone avoids.

Contrast that with my twenty-two years of virginity and his thirty-five years of manhood.

I’m engaged to him as well. My imposter fiancé, that is.

Initially, we are a wager. He refuses to think that anybody has anything against me because of my last name. As a result, he gives me his as an example.

Everyone benefits. As I work to save money to leave this sleepy village, he enjoys a respite from his overprotective relatives, and I have an opportunity to dispel my family’s image.

Wearing his ring, following his lead, and acting as if I can’t control myself around him in public are all that’s required, he claims.

However, all those well formed borders are blurred by our private interactions.

The real, unpretentious stuff happens when no one is around.

All along, this engagement was meant to be a performance. Is this contract? There is a sunset date.

He assured me he would never be romantically involved.

But here I am, completely smitten with my pretend fiancé.

Book Information

Book Name:Hopeless
Author:Elsie Silver
SeriesChestnut Springs #5
File Type:PDF/ePub
PDF Size2.21 MB
ePub Size2.00 MB
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