Are you Trying to Sleep? But can’t? Because of too much thinking going on there in your mind?
Or you feel restless on your body? Don’t be worried, this will be the last solution to all your sleep problems.
Now what Actually happens in insomnia is that you have developed a habit of going on having an active mind like forever, it’s a habit that you have to break.
If you have just begin to develop the symptoms of insomnia then doing these things can definitely help you get out of it.
And further we will also talk about what to do if you are suffering from insomnia from a long time.
How to Get to Sleep When You Can’t Fall Asleep Due to Over Thinking
If you are just about to develop the insomnia in you, just doing these little things can help you get over it very easily.
- Before you go to sleep: Make sure to do some physical excersize so that your body will get exhausted.
- Now lie Down with the most comfortable position according to your body.
- In that particular position, be still.
- Don’t move, don’t change the position even if you feel like the comfort is becoming discomfort.
- If the discomfort is too much you can switch the position, but doing it repeatedly is not going to help and you will keep changing the position throughout the whole night.
- Now, coming to the mind, just let it think whatever it wants, don’t try to stop or do any thing, at most you can try focusing on your breath or on the sound around you.
- If you are unable to focus on breath/sound, don’t worry, just let the mind think whatever it wants to think but don’t change your lying position,
- body Must be Still.
- As the body will remain still for over 2 to 5 minutes, your mind would automatically begin to go to sleep even without stopping the thinking.
- The thinking will be active even after your sleeping and you will be dreaming throughout the whole night in your sleep.
Can’t sleep because, can’t stop thinking about someone – Solution
- Don’t try to stop yourself from thinking about that person
- Accept it that the person is in your head, brain, all the time and you shouldn’t be fighting with yourself to remove that person from your mind.
- With having your mind thinking about that person, just follow the steps provided on above section to fall asleep.
How to get to sleep with insomnia

If you are suffering from Insomnia then the sleeps seems to almost impossible and you are always awake.
Make this Disease an opportunity to excersize your mind to become strong and meditative.
Being meditative not only will cure insomnia, but also helps you do much better in your life.
- Sit down or lie down with comfortable position
- Close your eyes
- Be attentive of the breath, that’s it.
- Most of the time during meditation, people go to sleep within 10 minutes because of too much quietness of the mind but because of insomnia, you will not go to sleep that early and you can continue your meditation for long time.
- It will make your mind to let go of any anxiety, thought and whatever is there on your head all the time.
- Through daily meditation, you can also be Enlightened,
- So just stop worrying about the sleep and begin the meditation, and the irony is sleep comes when you didn’t want it to come.
- You fall Asleep when you don’t make any efforts to go to sleep.
Additional tips for sleep with Insomnia
- Create a routine before night that is peaceful and calming. Take a warm shower, listen to some quiet music, or have a cup of tea that does not include caffeine as an example. Before going to bed, you should refrain from using electronic devices that have a screen for an extended period of time, such as laptops, cellphones, and ebook readers.
- Relax your body. Yoga poses that are more gentle or those that focus on progressive muscular relaxation can assist reduce tension and facilitate the relaxation of muscles that are tense.
- Create an environment in your bedroom that is ideal for sleeping. Maintain levels of light, noise, and temperature that are agreeable and won’t prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. Never use your bedroom for anything other sleeping or having sexual relations with another person. This will signal to your body that the room you are in is meant for slumber.
- Hide the clocks in your bedroom so you can’t see them. Watching the clock not only increases stress but also makes it more difficult to fall back asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night.
- Caffeine should be avoided after noon, and alcohol use should be limited to one drink several hours before bedtime. Both caffeine and alcohol have been shown to disrupt sleep patterns.
- Avoid smoking. In addition to being a significant threat to one’s health, nicotine usage can make it difficult to fall or stay asleep.
- Get frequent exercise. However, keep in mind that exercising too close to bedtime may make it difficult to fall or stay asleep.
- Only go to bed when you feel like you need to sleep. Do something calming that will help you wind down and get ready for bed if you find that you are having trouble falling asleep.
- You should set your alarm for the same time every day. If you find that you are awake for longer stretches of time throughout the night, fight the temptation to stay in bed later.
- Avoid afternoon napping. Napping throughout the day can disrupt your natural sleep pattern.
What should I do when i can’t sleep?
Get out of bed and do something else if you wake up and are unable to go back to sleep within around twenty minutes. Move to a different room and stay there till you feel tired, reading or engaging in some other activity that doesn’t make much noise.
Why do i wake up at 2am/3am middle of night and can’t go back to sleep
Insomnia refers to waking up multiple times throughout the night, and it’s an issue that affects many people. Stress is a common trigger for awakenings that occur in the middle 2am or 3am of one’s sleep. In most cases, over-the-counter sleep aids do not provide considerable or long-lasting assistance with this issue.
- Get out of bed and move – its the best thing to do.
- Do some hard excercise to loose energy and get your body to lie down again.
- Avoid staring at the clock when trying to sleep after some time.
- Keep away your mobile phone.
- Get rid of bright lights or loud sounds.
- Meditate or try breathing exercises.
- Relax your muscles.
Causes of Your Inability to Sleep:
If you’re having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you should investigate the underlying reasons for your difficulty sleeping.
Is it something that’s physically wrong with you, as if you’re overheating or your back hurts?
Or does it originate from mental stimulation, such as using technology before going to bed, anxiousness, or a significant shift in one’s life?
Check out these typical reasons why you’re having trouble falling asleep, as well as some suggestions for what to do when you simply can’t get to sleep.
1. Cause: Because it’s too warm or too Cold.
It is recommended that you sleep in a room that is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit (about 60 to 20 degrees Celsius), even if some people may think that you want to feel toasty and comfortable at night. If you sleep in a warm environment, you may experience night sweats, which can negatively impact the quality of your sleep.
2. Cause: You Cannot Find a Comfortable Position
On certain evenings, you wind up tossing and turning for hours because you are unable to find the posture that allows you to go asleep easily. In the event that you are unable to find a position that is comfortable for you, you might want to consider standing up for ten to fifteen minutes in order to give your body the opportunity to reset.
3. Cause: the blue light is rousing you from sleep
It’s hard to resist the want to check your social media before turning in for the night, but did you realise that the blue light emitted from your device could be preventing you from falling asleep?
4. Cause: You’re Experiencing Nightmares
The experience of having a nightmare can sometimes generate worry about returning to sleep and can also interrupt your normal rhythm of sleep. Investigating the significance of your dreams to find out the underlying reason of the problem can be helpful in getting you past the dreadful experience.
5. Cause: You’ve Experienced a Major Life Change
Your sleep may be disrupted if you are going through a significant life transition, such as getting married, beginning a new job, or relocating to a new place. To get yourself in the frame of mind for a pleasant night’s sleep, try developing a bedtime ritual that includes some time for relaxation before going to bed.
6. Cause: You Can’t Get to Sleep Because of Stress or Anxiety
Your mind can be racing all night if you had stress or anxiety during the day. Anxiety right before bedtime could be the result of having focused too much attention during the day, being afraid, having disturbed sleep cycles, or having quick thought processes.
How to Maintain a Good Sleep Cycle Throughout your life?
Follow the Healthy Routine mentioned below to maintain a Good Sleep.
1. Establish a regular schedule for your sleep patterns.
A lot of people have the strange habit of going to bed at a different hour every single night. However, because they disrupt the circadian cycle of the body, these irregular sleeping patterns may make it difficult to get or stay asleep.
The circadian rhythm is a collection of changes in one’s behaviour, bodily state, and mental state that occur in a pattern that repeats every 24 hours. One of the most important things that the circadian rhythm does is check to see if the body is ready for sleep at the appropriate time.
This is mostly determined by a biological clock that, depending on the time of day, secretes chemicals that make it easier to go asleep or stay awake. Maintaining a consistent bedtime helps the body’s internal clock better forecast when it should begin to prepare for sleep.
2. It is best to avoid sleeping throughout the day.
Napping throughout the day, especially ones that continue for more than two hours, is another thing that might throw off your body’s natural circadian cycle.
3. Turn off all of the lights.
The circadian rhythm, which the brain and body use to determine when it is daytime and nighttime, can be influenced by external cues such as light. When it’s time to go to bed, making sure the room is as dark as possible may make it easier to fall asleep.
4. Practice some form of meditation or mindfulness.
Anxiety, which frequently causes sleep problems, can be alleviated by the practise of meditation and mindfulness. The use of these tactics can be helpful in calming an anxious mind, as they can serve as a distraction from a person’s active thoughts and make it easier for them to fall asleep.
5. Make some adjustments to the way you eat.
What a person consumes, particularly in the evening, has the potential to influence the quality of sleep that they get. For instance, consuming a substantial lunch less than an hour before going to bed can make it difficult for a person to fall or stay asleep.
The digestive process can take anywhere from two to three hours after a meal. Some people experience discomfort or sensations of nausea when they lie down during this time, and it can also slow down the digestion process.
Before going to bed after eating, it is important to give the body sufficient time to digest the food. The actual amount of time needed for this will change depending on who you ask.
6. Listen to music
Before going to bed, some people find it helpful to listen to music that is soothing and relaxing, even though this strategy might not be effective for everyone.
The individual preferences of a listener will determine how they react to a piece of music. Sometimes, music might be overly stimulating, leading to feelings of uneasiness as well as an inability to fall or stay asleep.
7. Have a bath in the tub or a shower.
After a tiring day, many people find that the best solution is to relax in a warm bath. Did you know that taking a warm shower or bath can help you fall asleep 36 percent faster than going to bed on an empty stomach?
One possible explanation for this is that when the temperature drops, it sends your body the message that it’s time to go to sleep. Even though we all dislike the sensation of coming out of a hot bath or shower, research suggests that the sudden change to cooler air may help people get a better night’s sleep.
Step into the bathtub for a lovely and relaxing soak the next time you think you might be counting sheep when you should be sleeping. Even when the weather is warm, taking the time to enjoy a relaxing hot shower or bath can help enhance the quality of sleep you get.
We have shared all the possible methods to overcome insomnia and overthinking.
The steps which are shared in “How to Get to Sleep When You Can’t Fall Asleep Due to Over Thinking” section are self tested and proven to bring sleep in Within 10-20 minutes of practicing.
You have to be strong enough to deal with the overthinking and insomnia, only then these techniques will work.
Meditation is the best way to cure all sleep problems but most of the people are unable to do it because of lack of patience, they get bored and carried away by some thoughts and do not try again.
Remember only practice is the key to success. No one succeeds on Meditation just at the first attempt, you have give it a try again and again until you succeed. Thanks for reading till here.