Lorenzo (PDF/ePUB) By Sadie Kincaid Read Online For Free

Lorenzo (PDF/ePUB) By Sadie Kincaid Download and Read Online For Free.

Lorenzo Information

Book Name:Lorenzo
Author:Sadie Kincaid
SeriesChicago Ruthless #3
File Type:PDF/ePub
PDF Size2 MB
ePub Size555 KB
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Loss is an inevitable consequence of love.

Please call me Lorenzo Moretti. I was destined to lead the Cosa Nostra, but I put love ahead of my inheritance.

My dad swore on his own blood on the day of our wedding that my new bride and I would never be happy together.

I guess he was correct; fate took her away from me, and now I have to go through life brokenhearted and soulless.

Two years have passed since the day I promised myself I would never love another person the way I loved my wife.

I stayed true to my word until she…

She drove up to my house in an old Mustang and a smile, her clothes the colour of sunshine. I was bruised and broken, and I sought safety within the walls of my family. But I’m no redeemed white knight, and she’s no helpless damsel.

I can’t stand being around her. 100% unfiltered positivity and never-ending good cheer. She never holds back her thoughts and feelings, regardless of how inappropriate they may be.

She embodies all that I despise and more.

However, she may be just what I’ve been looking for.

I’m not sure how much longer I can fight off her alluring charms…

Simply because one can only withstand the sun for so long before succumbing to its rays.

Introduction of the Plot

The rain is returned by an inch of fabric over my head. The wave of black umbrellas that protected the fake mourners from the rain in Chicago was hit by dozens of little bullets. A few feet away, the priest tries to make himself heard, but the storm quickly silences him. I may not be able to hear him since my heart is pounding in my ears. Although I did not hear him.

I’ve heard his prepared remarks. Quite kindly, in fact. She was a ray of hope in a dark world. They are both correct. God has summoned her home. Flimsy liar. She lives here. beside me. As I step out from under the cover of the umbrella, I am met with a grey sky. I really need some rain to fall on my head. I hope it rains so coldly that it soaks this silly outfit, which was conveniently put on the bed this morning as if I lack the ability to clothe myself. My bones and spirit feel hollow, and I want to feel something else. When the umbrella’s shade returns, I let out a groan. Exhalation of annoyance. Disappearing shadows.

My little brother gives me a snarl and tells me to stay a safe distance behind him. My eyes shut, and I glance up when the priest’s voice rises over the sound of the falling rain. The magnificent collar of my shirt is ruined by the water pouring from my cheeks, ears, and neck. What if this ends up becoming my undoing? Should I keep my mouth open and let the rain fill my lungs as everyone around me cries into their tissues? Why not just enter her casket? I held her tightly and dreamed of spending eternity with her, just as I had been instructed. That settles it, Anya. Forever! You made an eternal pledge. Her gorgeous face still bears the marks of her grief, despite the medications.

Hearing her last words to me, my love, has broken my heart all over again. Even in the midst of this dreadful day, I can still feel her embrace as I say goodbye. When I held her, she was gone. In every cell, her death was mine. The devil sent me into Purgatory when he tore her spirit from my body. Regret, remorse, and anguish restrain my anger from erupting. As the most powerful fuckboy in Chicago, how could I refuse to help her? Even if my family name, fortune, and resources are formidable, I just couldn’t afford to give her any more time.

Holding my wife in her last moments was the most helpless, disorienting, and lonely time of my life. Because I let it happen. I carried on. We couldn’t stop there. If it weren’t for their warmth, my tears would be like the icy rain. Once they go, I could fuck in with her too. To sleep forever. My crushed heart is confirmed by a sudden shiver. Oh, to be able to forget. The little fingers of the left hand interlace with the big ones. Joey, my sibling. My sister-in-law Kat, yes. Tiny, deft hands are like vines clinging to a tree trunk; they’re impossible to rip away from. They’re watching me closely, but I’m not concerned. By exerting more pressure on my hands, they prove their reality. The tears I saw were genuine. As a result, she was adored by them. Obviously, they would. Those who met my wonderful wife immediately fell in love with her. That individual is the best one I know. All that I’ve got in me.

Away she went. I have to learn to live without her. I feel empty within, like my soul is broken in two, and that I can never love again. I made a promise to keep it safe as her eyes closed for the last time.

About The Author Lorenzo

I write modern, grim romance. Hot, foul-mouthed alpha males who would destroy the world for the women they care about fascinate me, and I enjoy reading and writing about them.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me; I appreciate hearing from people who have enjoyed my works or literature in general. You can also find me as Sadie Kincaid Author on Facebook and Instagram.

Lorenzo Book Summary

Sadie Kincaid’s ability to put readers at ease through her writing is immediately apparent in the first few chapters. It’s like arriving home to a warm blanket burrito, some chocolate, and the promise of a day with no obligations.

You can see why the spice caught fire so quickly: Lorenzo and Mia are fuel.
When it reached 40%, I started crying my eyes out as if my heart were being ripped out of my chest. Mia possesses great strength. And after all she’s been through, knowing deep down that she was falling in love with this black hole of a beautiful man….AND WALK AWAY?? Simply mind-blowing in its power. More over half the book still remained, and I still couldn’t believe all this was happening.

I’d forgotten all about Anya and Max, but reading those pages made me cry all over again. This level of melancholy was unprecedented in a Sadie Kincaid novel.

However, Lorenzo’s true colours show when chaos ensues and our girl Mia defends herself against her jerk of a husband. Then he harms her once more!!! And I detested the guy. I felt like shouting at him about how he was letting the most gorgeous, positive, and wonderful woman in the world go.

Don’t fret; he fixed it!

You’ll never know which way to turn because of how dramatically the story’s light and sad elements contrast with one another.

Their Dom/sub relationship, while extremely sensual, was underdeveloped and might have been left out altogether, but I’m glad it wasn’t since it plays a significant role in shaping Lorenzo’s character.

Mia is a gentle soul with an abundance of grace. Lorenzo is blunt, gloomy, bereft, and madly in love with Mia. This is the ideal combination of gloom and sunlight.

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