Nine Days (PDF/ePub) by Joelina Falk Read Online

Nine Days PDF/ePub by Joelina Falk Free Book Read Online.

Nine Days PDF/ePub

Book NameNine Days
AuthorJoelina Falk
SeriesUnfrozen Four #1
FilePDF/ePub (Downloadable)
PDF Size2.05 MB
ePub Size 434 KB

Lily Reyes is struggling to overcome her melancholy. Despite her best efforts, she gives up and decides the world is too harsh for her to survive because of traumatic events she had as a child.
Lily’s world is like being underwater; everything makes perfect sense there. While Lily is finishing up her final preparations, she makes a small mistake.

She carelessly drops her notebook, and he reads the contents.

Colin Carter, a senior, is the captain of the hockey team at St. Trewery. A man’s worth is not limited to his physical attractiveness. He is dealing with issues of his own, but he is too embarrassed to discuss them.
And yet…

He holds the key to Lily’s future.

And he does completely upend her life in the course of just nine days. There are emotional stakes as people attempt to restore broken relationships, make atonement for wrongdoing, and reconnect with lost loves.

But will that be enough?

Can we expect any change in the following week? After nine days of drinking, will Lily realise that there is more to life than pain and suffering?

Joelina Falk, the Author:

Joelina Falk is well-known for her evocative, contemporary romances featuring strong, witty heroines. While the rest of her family and friends try to make their lives look like stories, she writes her own. When she’s not reading or looking at her computer, she’s either rewatching old episodes of her favourite shows or telling her mother about her novel ideas despite her mother’s best efforts to ignore her.

Synopsis of the book: Nine Days

I thought they were both fantastic since they had such fine minds. I related to Lily so much that I hoped for a good ending for her. Colin was incredible; he was infallible. He influenced Lily’s life and is now one of my avid readers because of his guidance.<3

Because, sweetie, I will never forget you, even if the end comes for you. My heart will always have room for the people I love. I refuse to give up on this, even if it all crumbles to shards of glass. You have changed my life drastically in just a short period of time. You have dispelled the fog that had been surrounding me.

I will be loyal to you until the end of time. The thought of you kept haunting me. Actually, I’d rather not. You total me, Lily. A heaviness settles on my shoulders whenever you’re not nearby. I feel your presence in each every breath. You always seem to be in close proximity to me. The planet already has enough of you. To my mind, that’s the ideal state of affairs.

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