Rumi When i Die Poem in Urdu/English/Farsi Analysis

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Rumi When i Die Poem Full Stanzas & Analysis

Analysis of 1st Stanza

When I die
when my coffin
is being taken out
you must never think
i am missing this world

When I die Rumi Poem & analysis

The poet describes the poem’s idea and premise in the opening verse. It is centred on the concept of “everlasting life after death,” which poets think is founded on the reality that death is inevitable for all physical forms. We can’t get away from it since it leads to an endless existence.

It’s clear to the poet, though, that he won’t miss this time-based universe after his death. There will be no reason for anybody to be sad or depressed when he passes away from this planet.

This world and all of its joys and amusements are but a figment of our imaginations; in truth, we are all transient beings who will shortly face their ultimate destiny.

Analysis of 2nd Stanza

don’t shed any tears
don’t lament or
feel sorry
i’m not falling
into a monster’s abyss

don’t shed any tears
don’t lament or
feel sorry
i’m not falling
into a monster’s abyss

He asks his loved ones not to cry over his death because he will not go to the domain of the devil, but his grave is a road to eternal living, a road to a great Lord. He asks them not to cry because he will not go to the domain of the devil. Poet is relieved to be departing from this transient realm.

Rumi advises them not to be unhappy or weep after they have parted with this world and the human bonds they had to it.

Analysis of 3rd Stanza

when you see
my corpse is being carried
don’t cry for my leaving
i’m not leaving
i’m arriving at eternal love

when you see
my corpse is being carried
don’t cry for my leaving
i’m not leaving
i’m arriving at eternal love

The poet is implying that he is not passing away but rather arriving to the land of eternity where there is no more death and the place itself is not impermanent but rather a permanent life and a continuous and everlasting love for the whole of the cosmos.

Consequently, he did not have any regrets about passing away since he had at long last discovered everlasting life. The afterlife, which is never-ending and waits for all bodies that are still alive, is the ultimate goal of every individual.

Analysis of 4th Stanza

when you leave me
in the grave
don’t say goodbye
remember a grave is
only a curtain
for the paradise behind

when you leave me
in the grave
don’t say goodbye
remember a grave is
only a curtain
for the paradise behind

The poet goes on to explain that the afterlife is a reward for one’s good conduct and that the grave is only the entrance to heaven. Someone who lives their life with integrity and compassion will, without a doubt, spend eternity in paradise.

To those who will be attending my funeral, I ask that you keep in mind that my tomb is essentially only a slender barrier that separates a devout man from the world of the everlasting living.

Analysis of 5th Stanza

you’ll only see me
descending into a grave
now watch me rise
how can there be an end
when the sun sets or
the moon goes down

you’ll only see me
descending into a grave
now watch me rise
how can there be an end
when the sun sets or
the moon goes down

It is possible to see the coffin that carries my corpse being lowered into the ground, but this is not the end; rather, it is the beginning of my new existence. Even while the sun goes down each night, marking the end of the day, and the moon rises each morning, marking the end of the night, does either of these times really come to an end?

However, the sun and moon going to sleep each night is really only a rehearsal for the following day and a fresh beginning in life. The same holds true for all living beings; we will all have the opportunity to experience an everlasting afterlife someday. We are going to get another chance at being reborn in order to experience that everlasting life of love and eternity.

Analysis of 6th Stanza

it looks like the end
it seems like a sunset
but in reality it is a dawn
when the grave locks you up
that is when your soul is freed

it looks like the end
it seems like a sunset
but in reality it is a dawn
when the grave locks you up
that is when your soul is freed

In point of fact, the setting of the sun and moon is a signal that these heavenly objects should carry out the duties that are assigned to them in order to reintroduce in the new day and the new night. A comparable event takes place when death splits the soul from the body since our actual existence exists in our soul, which is immortal after death separates it from the body.

The time that our spirit spent in this world was just transient, and it is now completely liberated from any and all forms. When we die, in other words, we release our soul from our body, which becomes corrupted as a result of this separation.

Analysis of 7th Stanza

have you ever seen
a seed fallen to earth
not rise with a new life
why should you doubt the rise
of a seed named human

have you ever seen
a seed fallen to earth
not rise with a new life
why should you doubt the rise
of a seed named human

In this stanza, the poet makes a figurative comparison between man and a seed by focusing on the phenomenon of a seed germination process reproducing itself as a new plant. Specifically, the poet emphasises how man is like a seed.

He explains to us that people are similar to seeds in that after they are buried, they will be reincarnated into a new and eternal life after being laid to rest.

Analysis of 8th Stanza

have you ever seen
a bucket lowered into a well
coming back empty
why lament for a soul
when it can come back
like Joseph from the well

have you ever seen
a bucket lowered into a well
coming back empty
why lament for a soul
when it can come back
like Joseph from the well

It is important for us to maintain our faith in the existence of life after death for humanity. Our afterlife is certain to go on forever. Our poet brought to our attention the narrative of Prophet Joseph, who was to be cast into a well; nevertheless, because of the Lord’s kindness, he was restored back to life, and he went on to live a fruitful and exemplary life.

Why should you feel sorrow about my passing away? Because of the grace of God, I shall one day be in a position of more regard and prosperity than I am right now throughout all of eternity.

Analysis of 9th Stanza

when for the last time
you close your mouth
your words and soul
will belong to the world of
no place no time

when for the last time
you close your mouth
your words and soul
will belong to the world of
no place no time

After death, when both our words and our ideas are rendered meaningless, none of us will have any sense of purpose left in our lives. We shall never again be a part of this fleeting world; instead, we will reside in eternity. Where there will be no time limits on life and no specific location at which one must be present in the physical world. We are souls, and souls are unbound by any sort of physical manifestation.


When the poet dies, he is filled with joy because he knows he will be reunited with the eternal love and long life he finally finds in the afterlife.

This poem is divided into nine stanzas, six of which are formed of a group of five lines known as quatrains, and three of which are divided into a group of six lines known as sestets, whose lines are of varying lengths.

Neither the stanzas nor the lines of the poem have a predetermined pattern of rhyme, but the poetry does have a certain level of rhythm when it is read aloud.

As a result, the structure or shape of the poem is maybe best described as being that of a free verse poetry.

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