Twisted Cravings (PDF/ePUB) By Cora Reilly Read Online

Twisted Cravings (PDF/ePUB) By Cora Reilly Read Online for free.

Twisted Cravings Information

Book Name:Twisted Cravings
Author:Cora Reilly
SeriesThe Camorra Chronicles #6
File Type:PDF/ePub
PDF Size1.64MB
ePub Size956KB
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Adamo Falcone grew up in the shadow of his infamous family as the youngest of nine brothers. To deal with his problems, he turned to drugs.
It was his destiny, if not his passion, to become a Made Man like his brothers. Finally finding his footing in the unforgiving mafia world, he takes control of his family’s illegal street races by organising them and driving in them for the pleasure of it.
Adamo finds more than just his destiny on the oily highways he now calls home.
Dinara Mikhailov, the sole female race driver, is a force to be reckoned with. The Bratva princess is feared not just for her fiery red hair and aggressive driving style, but also because she is permitted to drive in enemy territory.
Adamo and her soon find themselves in the middle of a heated game that extends far beyond the confines of the track. But their dark desires risk everything since they are both troubled by the past.
Because the price tag on their heart’s desire is so high.

About The Author Cora Reilly

I write novels for the YA and adult markets. I’m hopelessly addicted to terrible lads (in books), and I enjoy fine dining, wine tasting, and reading.

Twisted Cravings Book Summary

Book six in Cora Reilly’s brilliant Camorra Chronicles series, Twisted Cravings is sure to have you turning pages. I can’t get enough of her Mafia novels and have been anxiously awaiting Adamo Falcone’s tale. The youngest Falcone brother has always been my favourite since he is the kindest, gentlest, and most submissive of the bunch. I had this idea that his tale would be the most heartwarming of the bunch. I was completely mistaken, though. In Twisted Cravings, the romance was toned down and the brutality increased. If you’ve ever felt that Cora’s previous novels were too light and fluffy, you’re in for a treat since this story is full of action, tension, and bloodshed and is not for the faint of heart. Drug abuse, violent violence, and torture are just a few of the taboo subjects covered.

Together, Adamo Falcone and Dinara Mikhailov were a fantastic pair. He was the brother of the infamous capo of the Las Vegas Camorra, and she was the Bratva Princess and daughter of the Chicago Pakhan, but their Mafia families were at odds with them other. But that wasn’t all they shared in common with one another. Both had experienced the influence of sinister urges and inner demons, which ultimately defined who they became. I was fascinated with both their strong emotional bond and their undeniable chemistry. They were one other’s best friends and toughest critics.

After spending some time with the New York Famiglia after leaving the Camorra, Adamo is now back in his hometown overseeing the family’s illegal auto racing operation. Young and gorgeous, he is fiercely protective of his loved ones and would do anything to ensure their safety. He was once a kind, kind, and sympathetic youngster who disliked violence and wanted to be different from his siblings. The more he gives into his darker impulses, the more his inner aggression resembles that of his brother Remo.

Dinara was an exceptionally interesting and complex person. A young woman who hasn’t found peace with her past lay beneath her independent and seemingly carefree façade. Her history completely floored me. I had a feeling there was a reason she was in Sin City seeking resolution. I didn’t anticipate feeling so devastated and enraged by her discovery.


Overall, Twisted Cravings was a great addition to the fantastic Camorra Chronicles series and a fun and quick read on its own merits. Everyone should give this book a shot and allow the undisputed queen of Mafia romance to whisk them away on an adventure they won’t soon forget. It’s time for me to say farewell to the wonderful Falcone family. I will always hold a particular place in my heart for each and every one of them.

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